Ms. Bela Bhatia
Human Rights Defender
HRDA has issued an urgent appeal to the National Human Rights Commission of India on January 23, 2017, regarding continuous harassment, threats, attacks, and attempts to forcefully evict Ms. Bela Bhatia. Ms. Bhatia is an eminent human rights defender and independent researcher and writer, and she has constantly brought to light instances of rape and sexual assault, and atrocities by the security forces in Chhattisgarh. She has also provided assistance to the victims by filing complaints with the police.
Ms. Bhatia was attacked by a group of 20-30 goons who came on motorcycles and jeep (white Bolero) on January 23, 2017, at 1:30 AM. The mob surrounded the house, shouted abusive slogans, barged into Ms. Bhatia’s house, and threatened that if she does not leave they will burn down the house. They also threatened Ms. Bhatia’s landlady and told her to vacate her from the house immediately. Several members of the mob are associated with the state-sponsored vigilante group –AGNI.
It is pertinent to note that earlier an attempt was made to forcibly evict Ms. Bhatia last year and a complaint was sent by HRDA to the Commission on 19 February 2016. The attack on Ms. Bhatia happened because she assisted the NHRC team in recording the complaints of Adivasi women who have been subjected to rape and sexual violence by the Chhattisgarh police in the Bastar area. This is also a reprisal faced by Ms. Bhatia for following up on the cases of human rights violations by the security forces in courts and commissions.
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