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13 Indigenous protestors detained in Agartala


The detention of 13 indigenous protestors by Agartala police on February 12, 2024, while peacefully advocating for the inclusion of the Roman script of the Kokborok language in board exams, underscores a concerning restriction on the fundamental right to protest. Despite exercising their democratic right to express grievances, the protestors were met with detention, indicating a potential suppression of dissent. Media coverage of the incident has drawn attention to the need for thorough examination and accountability regarding the handling of peaceful demonstrations.

International and domestic legal frameworks emphasize the protection of these fundamental rights, emphasizing the importance of peaceful protest in democratic societies. HRDA appealed to National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to take suo moto cognizance of this incident and invoke Section 12 (a) of the Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Act, 2019, initiating an independent inquiry to ensure accountability and uphold the principles of democratic participation and human rights.

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