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Journalist Attacked During election’s Rally: A Grave Threat to Press Freedom


On May 12, 2024, journalist Raghav Trivedi, 27, was brutally attacked while covering an election rally of BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Rae Bareli. Trivedi, who works with the news portal Molitics and has a background as a senior reporter with National Dastak, a web channel focusing on marginalized communities, was accompanied by his cameraman, Sanjeet Sahni.

The incident unfolded around 2:30 PM when Trivedi interviewed several women at the rally. They revealed that they had been brought by their village head with the promise of ₹100, and were unaware of Amit Shah’s identity. Seeking to verify this, Trivedi approached local BJP leaders. Upon mentioning his recordings of the women’s statements, he was forcibly taken to a secluded area by BJP workers who demanded he delete the footage. When he refused, they assaulted him, rendering him unconscious despite the presence of 40 to 50 policemen who did not intervene.

Trivedi was later found in the City Government Hospital, Rae Bareli. An FIR (No. 0256) was filed at 4:58 PM the same day under sections 147 (rioting), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) of the Indian Penal Code. Despite the filing, no arrests have been made, and no action has been taken against the attackers.

The Press Club of India has condemned the attack, emphasizing the escalating threats and violence journalists face in their line of duty. They stated, "Journalists are regularly subjected to physical intimidation, harassment, and assault in their day-to-day reporting. Such things weaken India as the fourth pillar of democracy."

This incident underscores the vital role of a free press in a democracy. A free media and active civil society are essential for public awareness and accountability. Protecting journalists and ending impunity for attacks against them is crucial for safeguarding freedom of expression. The right to exercise freedom of speech and expression is enshrined under Article 19(a) of the Indian Constitution, encompassing the right to hold opinions, access information, and impart information and ideas of all kinds.

The assault on Raghav Trivedi is not just an attack on an individual but a direct affront to the freedom of the press, highlighting the urgent need for better protection and accountability to ensure the media can function without fear or favor.

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