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Journalist assaulted by the sand mafia for reporting on illegal sand mining

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Pratap Kumar Patro




HRDA has issued an urgent appeal to the National Human Rights Commission of India on 8th June 2019 regarding the attack by Sand Mafias on Mr. Pratap Kumar Patro in Odisha.

On May 8, 2019, Mr. Kumar published a big article on the issue of lifting of sand because of which the sand mafia was fined. On May 30 2019, Mr. Patro was attacked by 4-6 persons with sharp weapons. Mr. Patro sustained injury on his hand, shoulder and palm. Mr. Patro immediately rushed to Bliapal hospital for treatment but he was then referred to the district headquarter hospital for further treatment. Mr. Patro has registered a complaint with the Baliapal PS against 7 accused people who attacked him. The same complaint was registered under Sections 323,326,379,307,506 and 294 of the Indian Penal Code [IPC]. It is alleged that the local police are hand in glove with the local mafia group. Under pressure from different media and journalist group the police so far have arrested only 3 accused whom they have kept in police barrack instead of hazat. Moreover the accused persons are allowed with cell phone and other luxuries inside the barrack.

HRDA has prayed to direct the Odisha SHRC and state government to immediately announce a full and thorough investigation into the incident and to take urgent steps to ensure the safety of HRD Mr. Patro and his family members.

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