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Illegal detention and brutal lathi charge on peaceful protestors by Uttar Pradesh Police at Lucknow.


The prolonged peaceful protest at Eco Garden, Lucknow, spanning over 600 days, faced excessive force by the Lucknow police, who resorted to lathi charges and detainments. The demonstrators were advocating for a fair recruitment process, alleging fraudulent reservation of 6800 seats, and demanding a redo of the recruitment process. This unwarranted use of force against peaceful protestors raises serious concerns about the protection of democratic rights, particularly the right to assemble peacefully and express dissent.

As enshrined in various international instruments and reaffirmed by Indian judicial precedent, the right to protest is a fundamental aspect of democratic participation. The actions of the Lucknow police, which appear to suppress legitimate grievances through force, underscore the need for stringent scrutiny of state actions concerning public protests. HRDA appeal to the NHRC to invoke Section 12(a) of the Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Act, 2019, and initiate an impartial and expeditious inquiry into this incident through its investigation wing, ensuring accountability and adherence to constitutional freedoms.

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