On August 18, 2023, after meeting families of arrested tribals in Kasipur, Mr. Shadangi, National Secretary of the All India Kisan Mazdoor Sabha (AIKMS), was detained at Triki police station by Inspector Ms. Bishwarari Bag and Sub Inspector Mr. Jana, violating DK Basu Guidelines. When the HRD asked to show the arrest memo or detention memo the police failed to produce the same, the HRD demanded his release and at 12.30 AM he was released.
Odisha police's non-adherence to arrest procedures, absence of necessary documentation, and questioning of HRD's legitimate activities reflect misuse of power. This contravenes DK Basu Guidelines and the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders.
HRDA urges the National Human Rights Commission to:
- To Initiate a transparent, independent inquiry into Shadangi's illegal detention, with the Odisha DGP submitting a report within two weeks.
- To Urgently obtain CCTV footage, duty registers, and vehicle logs from Triki police station for August 18, 2023.
- To Take immediate, strict action against Inspector Ms. Bishwarari Bag, Sub Inspector Mr. Jana, and involved policemen.
- To Provide adequate compensation to Mr. Shadangi for the illegal detention.
- To Direct the Odisha DGP to ensure the safety of HRD and his family, protecting them from further harassment by the police.
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