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Brutal attack on HRD Mr. Imran Ali

On July 17, 2024 at around 8:00 in the night a Muharram procession was passing through Mahua Bazar, Gandhi Chowk, District Vaishali, Bihar. Some miscreants started abusive slogan against Prophet Mohammad and Allah. To avoid any clash people in the procession caught them and handed them over to police on duty at the spot.

However, the Police let them go after some time. The hooligans again gathered at Government Block office gate and started shouting. Mr. Imran Ali tried to reach there in order to understand the reason for the commotion. All of a sudden, the hooligans attacked HRD Imran Ali and started beating him. He was beaten up so badly that he got unconscious. The attackers left him there thinking him dead.

Mr. Imran Ali was taken to the Sub division Government hospital. Seeing his serious condition of the HRD doctors referred him to District Hospital and he was taken to Hazipur District Hospital Bihar. Next day seeing that he is not getting proper care HRD’s family members admitted him in a private nursing home where he remained admitted till July 22,2024

A complaint regarding the incident was made to police on July 19, 2024 at the Mahua police station. The police filed an FIR on July, 20, 2024. After filing FIR perpetrators started calling HRD and threatening him to withdraw the police complaint. However HRD Imran Ali didn’t withdraw his complaint. On July 23 2024, the police filed a FIR against HRD Imran Ali.

We urge the Hon’ble Commission

  • To Exercise Section 12 (a) of the Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Act, 2019, and take Suo moto cognizance of this incident and initiate an independent inquiry through NHRC’s investigation wing.
  • Direct the Director General of Police of Bihar to arrest the perpetrators responsible for the attack on HRD Imran Ali immediately and set up an independent transparent inquiry into the inaction of the police department against the attackers and submit the report to NHRC within two weeks.

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